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Usually every construction operation requires a permit. A construction permit can be retrieved from the building inspector in paper form.

A permit must be left ahead of time before starting up the construction. It is recommended to negotiate with the building inspector about every permit.

All of these permits are being regulated in the municipality’s construction order (pdf).

Construction permit

Operation permit/ -notification

Unless the project doesn’t require a construction permit. It usually requires a procedure permit or a notification. Procedure permit/ notification form (pdf)

Design solution

This necessity has been defined in the municipality’s construction order. This solution is used for example. Building a station plan nearby. Design solution form

Exception permit

An exception permit is required if there is an exception in the station plan or from any other similar order.

Exception permit form (pdf)

Demolition permit/ -notification

A demolition permit is required in the area of the station plan or in the area, which has a construction ban. Other reasons require a notification. Demolition permit/ -notification form (pdf)

Landscape permit

In the area of the station plan where the constructing changes the landscape such as chopping down trees or anything similar is prohibited without a permit (procedural restriction). Landscape permit form (pdf)



Building inspector

Raimo Huotelin

03 4141 5325


Environment inspector

Henna Pirhonen

03 4141 5271




Jokioisten kunta
Keskuskatu 29 A
31600 Jokioinen

Kunnanvirasto avoinna
ma-pe klo 9.00-15.00

Virallinen sähköpostiosoite

(luottamushenkilöt ja henkilöstö)
Sähköposti: etunimi.sukunimi(at)

044 901 7174 (ma - to, klo 9 -14)